
Many conveyor systems are even in the modern logistics world prone to disruptions, demand significant space, and offer limited scalability or adaptability to new requirements. To address this challenge, the Cellumation team has developed a software-controlled material flow solution. At the heart of the solution is the celluveyor – a hexagonal cell with three omnidirectional, independently driven wheels. By combining multiple celluveyor cells, a surface is formed on which objects can be flexibly moved. A vision system and AI-supported software ensure optimal material flow through precise control of the individual cells.

The technology can be applied for complex transportation tasks: palletizing and depalletizing, sorting, aligning and singulating transport goods, merging material flows, diverting objects, and many more. Main advantages of the solution include up to 95 per cent reduction of space requirements, high throughput, low energy costs, and easy maintenance. Additionally, the solution can be quickly integrated into existing material flow systems and offers the flexibility to switch between different use cases through via software updates.

Cellumation GmbH, which now has more than 65 employees, was founded in 2017 to (further) develop and commercialise the celluveyor technology developed and patented by the founders. Since 2019, more than 120 systems have been commissioned by over 30 customers worldwide. With several prominent customers already in its portfolio, the company aims to continue its international expansion in the coming years.

Winner: Cellumation